The year 2019 marked the beginning of the relationship between GMD Solutions and Powen for the execution of self-consumption photovoltaic projects.
During the month of April, an installation was made on the roof of a residential and office building in the center of Madrid, specifically at Calle Castelló 128, next to Avenida de América. The roof faces south, ideal for placing the photovoltaic modules, which has no major obstacles providing shade during the day, a major problem in the center of a city like Madrid. However, in order to install all the panels, we had to use two covers of different heights. This project was developed to supply the common areas of the facility.
Particularly, 94 CanadianSolar panels of 275Wp each were installed, i.e. a total power of 25.85kW. The installation also has a Huawei inverter, model SUN2000-20KTL of 22kW, and a 5mm thick anodized aluminum structure ballasted with concrete blocks that allow the panels to be fixed and oriented to optimize their performance.
The city of Madrid has a privileged location with an annual solar radiation of about 2,000kWh/m2. Thanks to this installation, it is expected that the property will generate about 41,000kWh each year for its own consumption. Considering that 100% of this production will be used (i.e. all the energy produced will be consumed), the neighbors of this community will obtain savings of approximately 6,800€ in the first year.
In addition to the economic considerations, a self-consumption photovoltaic system reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Taking care of the environment is a fundamental challenge for our society, and, in this case, the panels installed will reduce CO2 emissions by 12,000 kg per year, which contributes to the construction of a more sustainable future.
For this project, GMD Solutions carried out the basic and execution projects and acted as project management, supervising and managing the different aspects of the work, in the same way, that it was done for the projects of Club de ocio Nudos, Colegio Estudiantes, and Colegio Salesianos de Puertollano.
In addition to the work direction, GMD Solutions, through its Energy Efficiency Department, has the capacity to develop self-consumption projects of any size throughout the national territory.
If you are interested in producing your own energy for your company or your community, do not hesitate to contact us by email ( or by phone: (+34) 917 586 753.